Why Order a Mouthguard
Why Order a Mouthguard
100% Money-Back Guarantee
We guarantee 100% refund of your purchase if you are not satisfied with the fit and comfort of your Sportsguard Mouthguard within 30 days of delivery.
If you need to return an item, simply contact Customer Service with your order number from the email account you used to make the order. We will provide you with a return authorization number that must be included on the package of your returned items.
Please return the mouth guard and all used and unused materials. Once we receive the returned package, the refund will be granted. Refunds are usually processed within 1 or 2 business days after receiving the returned package. You are responsible for shipping costs on any return.
If your Sportsguard Mouthguard becomes non-usable due to normal wear in 60 days then return it and we will upgrade you to the next level of protection, or make a new mouthguard if already at the max level of protection, at 50% off the regular price.
Please e-mail Customer Service with your name and order number and we will email you instructions on how to receive a replacement.